Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 2011 - week 2

Our first snowstorm of 2011 and it's a beautiful winter wonderland. Those around me are hating the snow already - but it's only January... and we live in New England. It's way too early to be sick of the snow.
Ledyard CT

Mystic River Road

Lambtown Road Ledyard CT

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 ... maybe I will blog better this year?

I am going to post a photograph a week (I was going to do the 365 challenge, but I have done a 30 day challenge and as unbelievable as it sounds, it was difficult). So to start off I am posting a few photographs from our Samaritan Swim 2011

A fundraiser to benefit Malta, Inc. Outreach to the homeless and hungry of Southeastern Connecticut Held at Eastern Point Beach Groton, CT
